A silhouette of Théophile Steinlen's black cat for the Le Chat Noir club in a modern setting for Thanksgiving featuring a large orange moon, a pumpkin, black-eye Susans, and the cat in a pilgrim's hat.
A silhouette of Théophile Steinlen's black cat for the Le Chat Noir club in a modern setting for Bastille Day. Black cat with the Eiffel Tower in the background and fireworks.
black cat, cat, eiffel tower, fireworks, france
Magical setting for Halloween. A backdrop with a colorful purple-blue, cloudy, night sky with stars and an orange, full moon that has the silhouettes of the a witch, a cat, bats, and a dormant tree.
Happy New Year in several different languages including: Vietnamese, Italian, German, Welsh, French, Greek, Hawaiian, Spanish, and English.
chuc mung tan nien, english, felice anno nuovo, french, german
A silhouette of Théophile Steinlen's black cat for the Le Chat Noir club in a modern setting for Valentine's Day featuring the black cat with a lots of roses and a red heart moon.
cat, flowers, heart, heart moon, le chat noir